
You have your ideas in order, and you are ready to choose a domain name for your website representing your company/brand. Even if you have .com or existing site, times are changed and Indian Domain Extesions have gained their popularity because of many reaons. * Highly Trusted Image (Indian Domain Names were restricted by Govt.) * Patriotic Reasons * India has done extremely well globally, we fee proud in expressing our indian identity. * India itself is one of the biggest consumer market, all MNCs and developing countries are of Look India Policy, there are prefering Indian Touch in their business Identity, whether its www.Google.co.in or www.ibm.co.in reason is same. * Official company websites has to be ending with .co.in extensions. It doesnt end here ..there are many many extesions for special business purposes /information classification. This section will show you how you can still choose a great domain name. Remember, this section is especially important if you... A) assume that most visitors will need to return to your site often. B) expect that a large number of your visitors are going to come to your website by word of mouth, and not only from search engines, web directories, and links from other sites. In any event, a snappy, memorable website name is almost always the best way to go, especially if the title reflects the content of your site. (This can help increase your traffic from certain search engines and web directories.) Generally, the shorter the name, the better, and .in domains are always preferable, just because .in has become what users expect when they enter the name of a website - it's just how things are. This tendency, as you might expect, has lead to the rapid consumption of .com domain names, and many of the best ones are taken. What do the web extensions mean? The different web extensions have different meanings, and some can only be used for certain kinds of sites. Comparison of Web Extensions .co.in Specially for official websites of Registerd Indian Companies. .org.in For Not Profit Organisations www.Registrar.Org.in for example and any body can register it now. .in Top Level Indian Internet Domain you can have proud name like www.bsnl.in earlier restricted to ISPs now open to all. .info An informational website, generally. You are free to use this for just about anything, but it was intended for informational sites having a hard time getting decent .com domains. .biz Typically Business Websites .pro A proffesional website, these domains are reserved for doctors, lawyers, and other professionals, and don't come cheap. .us American websites only. .uk A website from the United Kingdom. .ca A great extension for Canadian Websites. .au An Austrailian Website. .eu A website from the European Union. Choose this create an International Identity if your plan to do business in Europian Union Countries. .nl A website from the Netherlands. .gov.in Chances are you won't get your hands on one of these. These domain names are reserved for government websites, and that doesn't mean websites about government.

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